Convincing Your Partner to do The GAPS Diet
So you’ve come to the realisation that you and your family REALLY need to do The GAPS Diet… there’s only one thing standing in the way… your partner!! They’re not too keen on the whole idea… it may be they think it’s a load of rubbish, maybe they’re more inclined to listen to their doctor rather than a Naturopath or GAPS Practitioner or maybe they’re in denial that there’s any issues at all. Whatever the case, the question is “how do I handle this?”
Well, here’s a few tips that might be of use, and of course make sure you do it in a comfortable, relaxed setting where you’re not going to be interrupted, and have some books or information there to show them if you think that may be useful.
Boost Your Immune System
Over the years I’ve worked with many of my patients on maintaining a healthy immune system especially during the winter months or when kids are starting daycare and school.
Since Covid-19 became a daily topic of conversation this has become more important than ever and we’re starting to take a more active focus on our health. I think it’s made many of us realise just how quickly things can change in our lives and whilst the material things in our world can be replaced, the reality is if we don’t have our health we really don’t have anything at all.
Get your kids to take their supplements
A question I get asked time and time again.. “how do I get my kids to take their supplements?” Yep that is a tough one and for me it was… let’s say… a Battle Royale!!
As many of you already know I was fairly convinced there were issues with my son from a young age so with this in mind I was seeing a Naturopath very early in the peace so he did get used to being given things to take when he was young. Not to say this made it any easier nor was he any more compliant.
The GAPS Diet
It’s hard to believe that 5 years ago we started The GAPS™ Diet as a family….. At the time, when we started the protocol I really didn’t know how it would all turn out but 5 years down the track I can absolutely say, without a doubt, it was definitely worthwhile. So, given how beneficial it was and continues to be for our family I thought I’d take a little trip down memory lane to share some of the high’s and lows of the experience.
Slippery Elm – Magic Dust
If you’ve every suffered from reflux, heartburn, indigestion, bloating, GERD, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohns, constipation or diarrhoea then this may be just what you’re looking for.
Autism Supplement Tips
For children on the spectrum their nutritional, diet and supplement needs are quite often far greater than that of our other children. It’s important to review their requirements and make sure you’re focussing on their current supplement needs at all times. These tips are to give you a bit of a general idea on some of the more common things they may need.
Welcome to Mumma’s Own
Mumma’s Own was created by Naturopath and Certified GAPS Practitioner Sonia Tzerefos in response to my patients need for more support when it comes to their nutritional needs.