Probiotics vs Prebiotics
Over the years I’ve worked with many families of children who have either been diagnosed with Autism, are going through the process or are thinking it might be something they should be considering. As a result many of them ask me about Zac’s diagnosis and what it was that made us think he might need to be assessed and how did we as a family cope when he did finally get diagnosed so today, I’ll share that story with you.
Is Fertility An Issue?
It seems we’re waiting longer to have kids than ever before and as a result lowered fertility and IVF have become the new normal. In fact, the other day I heard an IVF clinic advertising that if you’re even thinking of getting pregnant then you should attend one of their information seminars… That surprised me as I would never have thought to involve an IVF clinic at the beginning of my pregnancy journey.
I always thought of IVF as something we do when we’ve been trying naturally for awhile and it hasn’t been happening, I certainly didn’t expect to hear them advertising on commercial radio for couples to attend information sessions on how it all works but I guess the world s changing.
Autism and Sex and the City
In the real world we don’t all have nannies and live in housekeepers, we don’t wear designer clothes and we can’t just drop everything and go to Abu Dhabi for a week.
In reality we all have different situations, some of us have additional help at home and some of us don’t. Some of us have “easy” children and some of us don’t. Some of us have children that require much more of us and some of us don’t.
Whatever your situation though, mothers do have one thing in common, somewhere along the way of having children we lose ourselves and this isn’t exclusive to those of us that have children with additional needs.
Boost Your Immune System
Over the years I’ve worked with many of my patients on maintaining a healthy immune system especially during the winter months or when kids are starting daycare and school.
Since Covid-19 became a daily topic of conversation this has become more important than ever and we’re starting to take a more active focus on our health. I think it’s made many of us realise just how quickly things can change in our lives and whilst the material things in our world can be replaced, the reality is if we don’t have our health we really don’t have anything at all.
SIBO – Do you have it?
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (or SIBO) is a significant health issue with many patients going through life not realising that their gut bacteria is severely out of balance. Although we have bacteria throughout the body the highest concentration should be in the colon, however, in the case of SIBO we tend to find there’s too much bacteria in the small intestine and an overgrowth has occurred.
SIBO can present with constipation (SIBO-C), a combination of constipation and diarrhea (SIBO-M) or with diarrhea only (SIBO-D), which is the most common. It can also be the cause of histamine intolerance, bloating, gas, abdominal pain, belching, flatulence and nausea just to name a few.
Apricot and Coconut Bliss Balls
The humble bliss ball has become a household favourite for many of my patients who often look for that little pick me up around 3pm each day. Instead of reaching for something less nutritious like chocolate or a bag or chips why don’t you have a go at something a little tastier.
As we know, due to allergies these aren’t an appropriate option for the kiddies to take to school but for us big kiddies that like a treat in our lunch box they’re a perfectly healthy and nutritious option.
Autism – Getting a Diagnosis
Over the years I’ve worked with many families of children who have either been diagnosed with Autism, are going through the process or are thinking it might be something they should be considering. As a result many of them ask me about Zac’s diagnosis and what it was that made us think he might need to be assessed and how did we as a family cope when he did finally get diagnosed so today, I’ll share that story with you.
Peanut Butter Bliss Balls
Generally we’re always worrying about what to put in the kids lunchboxes and whilst I know that’s important what about us? What about our lunchboxes?
Unfortunately these aren’t appropriate for most kids lunchboxes, unless they’re in high school where there’s more flexibility in what they can take, but for us as working parents sometimes we really need a mid afternoon snack to get us through the day.
These peanut butter bliss balls are a healthy, raw, vegan and satisfying snack with a nice blend of good fats, natural sugars and carbohydrates and you’ll only need one or two to get you through until dinner.
Welcome to Mumma’s Own
Mumma’s Own was created by Naturopath and Certified GAPS Practitioner Sonia Tzerefos in response to my patients need for more support when it comes to their nutritional needs.