Is Fertility An Issue?

It seems we’re waiting longer to have kids than ever before and as a result lowered fertility and IVF have become the new normal. In fact, the other day I heard an IVF clinic advertising that if you’re even thinking of getting pregnant then you should attend one of their information seminars… That surprised me as I would never have thought to involve an IVF clinic at the beginning of my pregnancy journey.

I always thought of IVF as something we do when we’ve been trying naturally for awhile and it hasn’t been happening, I certainly didn’t expect to hear them advertising on commercial radio for couples to attend information sessions on how it all works but I guess the world s changing.

How to Make GAPS Yogurt

Fermented dairy is a big part of The GAPS™ Diet and quite often even those who hav had difficulty digesting dairy in the past will find they can tolerate the yogurt and whey made themselves following the The GAPS™ Diet Protocol. The main difference between GAPS yogurt and commercial yogurt is that it is fermented for 24 hours to breakdown the lactose in the milk making it easier to digest.

Slippery Elm – Magic Dust

If you’ve every suffered from reflux, heartburn, indigestion, bloating, GERD, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohns, constipation or diarrhoea then this may be just what you’re looking for.