Product Review – Soft Drinks

Over the past 30+ years there has been a huge increase in the consumption of soft drink (both full sugar and now diet options), sport drinks and energy drinks.

It’s nothing to see a young teen walking to school with an energy drink in their hand at 8am, or drinking a sports drink, even though there isn’t a piece of sporting equipment in sight and consumption of these is becoming more and more common.. 

So let’s break it down, what is really in these drinks.

Supporting Your Child’s Learning Challenges

Let’s be honest, all kids have a bit of a disobedient, defiant or impulsive streak. They question us, challenge us and definitely have a mind of their own, but is there a line where this behaviour becomes too much to handle? Is there a point where this behaviour isn’t “normal”?

This was the exact situation we came across in the early days before Zac was diagnosed with Autism.. what was normal behaviour for a child (boy) his age and what wasn’t..  now before you panic..  if your child does have some challenging behaviours or learnings I’m not suggesting they have Autism but there’s definitely some things to think about as far as what you can do to help them.

Headache and Migraine Hell

Headaches can be quite a pain, literally and given the fast paced, stressful lives we now live it’s really not that surprising that many of us suffer from them in varying degrees. If you do suffer from headaches it’s important to know that there’s different kinds which means there’s different ways of treating them.

Boost Your Immune System

Over the years I’ve worked with many of my patients on maintaining a healthy immune system especially during the winter months or when kids are starting daycare and school.

Since Covid-19 became a daily topic of conversation this has become more important than ever and we’re starting to take a more active focus on our health. I think it’s made many of us realise just how quickly things can change in our lives and whilst the material things in our world can be replaced, the reality is if we don’t have our health we really don’t have anything at all.

Get your kids to take their supplements

A question I get asked time and time again.. “how do I get my kids to take their supplements?” Yep that is a tough one and for me it was… let’s say… a Battle Royale!!

As many of you already know I was fairly convinced there were issues with my son from a young age so with this in mind I was seeing a Naturopath very early in the peace so he did get used to being given things to take when he was young. Not to say this made it any easier nor was he any more compliant.

Slippery Elm – Magic Dust

If you’ve every suffered from reflux, heartburn, indigestion, bloating, GERD, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohns, constipation or diarrhoea then this may be just what you’re looking for.

Autism Supplement Tips

For children on the spectrum their nutritional, diet and supplement needs are quite often far greater than that of our other children. It’s important to review their requirements and make sure you’re focussing on their current supplement needs at all times. These tips are to give you a bit of a general idea on some of the more common things they may need.