Probiotics vs Prebiotics

Over the years I’ve worked with many families of children who have either been diagnosed with Autism, are going through the process or are thinking it might be something they should be considering. As a result many of them ask me about Zac’s diagnosis and what it was that made us think he might need to be assessed and how did we as a family cope when he did finally get diagnosed so today, I’ll share that story with you.

How to Make GAPS Yogurt

Fermented dairy is a big part of The GAPS™ Diet and quite often even those who hav had difficulty digesting dairy in the past will find they can tolerate the yogurt and whey made themselves following the The GAPS™ Diet Protocol. The main difference between GAPS yogurt and commercial yogurt is that it is fermented for 24 hours to breakdown the lactose in the milk making it easier to digest.

Autism Supplement Tips

For children on the spectrum their nutritional, diet and supplement needs are quite often far greater than that of our other children. It’s important to review their requirements and make sure you’re focussing on their current supplement needs at all times. These tips are to give you a bit of a general idea on some of the more common things they may need.